You know how big sisters are, right? Here's lovely Erin, graduating from Bay High when . . . Up pops big sis Elise graduating from Bowling Green! I suspect the competition is friendly becasue they both seem happy.
Holidays are always special but more so when shared with special people. People like Ryan and Michelle . . . . . . and Jennifer who takes special to a new and even sillier level . . . . . . and with Anders and Alice who stole the show and our hearts.
We know - it's not a great shot. BUt something about the under-lit clouds and the tapestry effect grabbed us. And considering that it's from our driveway, we just had to post.
A beautiful ceremony . . . . . . a wonderful trip to Cleveland's unique and very special highlights . . . . . . and a few tender moments to enjoy the wonderful day. A life long journey begun. What a great day for a great couple! Great weather, wonderful friends and family. What more could you want?
If you were Elise and just graduated from BGSU, what would you do? We're guessing you'd pack your cello and head for an internship with Disney in California! Congratulations to a very talented young woman.
Maddie was showing off her new "ink" to our stone kitty and decided the kitty needed some decoration as well. The dogwood tree provided the requisite adornment. Maddie supplied the imagination.